There are 7 people in the section, including 2 professors, 2 associate professor, 3 lecturers. It offers undergraduate courses, " Criminal Code," "Criminal Law Theory" and so on, post-graduate course "Criminal Law of China remarks", "Chinese Criminal Law Theory", "foreign criminal", "Economic Criminal Law", "international criminal law", "criminal policy research "," History of the Chinese Criminal Law "and so on. In recent years, teachers in the teaching and research focus in recent years, Sichuan Province, presided over the commission issue, "China's economic transformation in the crime study", Sichuan Province, philosophy social science project "Crime Prevention and Control Countermeasure System", Sichuan Province Education Department of Humanities and Social Sciences project, "high-tech fields problem of crime research, "colonel-level Youth Project," an analysis of community corrections "and published 18 materials, and about 100 academic articals.