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Zeng Tong

time : July 9, 2010      source :       edit :       Browsing volume :

Associate Professor (Female)

Tutor of Mastor of Law majoring in Intellectual Property Law and Law of Corporation

Main Research Fields:

Intellectual Property Law and Law of Corporation

She graduated from Department of Journalism as a bachelor of Art,and obtain Master of Law in University in Fukuoka,Japan

She is still studying for the degree of Phd of Law

Recently ,she is also doing research on Energy Law and Environment Law

A member of China Intellectual Property Law Society Council

Renowed expert of the dispute over domain name

Jouror for court three of chengdu intermediate people’s court

The committee member of SiChuan well-known tardemark deciding committee

Jouror for ChengDu WuHou People’s Court


Academic achievements


The study of the difference between the protection of intellectual property in china and america ,which is fanacially supported by north america

She studied in japan JiuZhou university as a specially appointed researcher by Chineses government on the Intellectual Property Rights Strategem between China and Japan after the joining of WTO,which is supported by National Fund for Studying Aabroad.

On the issue of legal regulation in the process of the maketrizing of Chinese media ,which is fanacially supported by TaiWan ZhongLiu Fund

The protection of the culture legacy and traditions of ethnic groups in the process of western development,which is a project of the SiChuan Philosophy and Social Seience Studying Orgnazation

On the the protection of the Intellectual property of chinese medicine and the strtagem of SiChuan province on this issue,which is a project of the SiChuan Philosophy and Social Seience Studying Orgnazation

She has beeninvited as a visiting researcher by GuanXi University in Japan to study Copyright Law


The study of the difference between the protection of intellectual property in China and America

Civil law

Economic law

Commercial law


The current situation of and the problems with Chinese Copyright Law and the comparation of Copyright Law between China and Japan

On the legal issues concerning building the transaction of the rights to the emmision of CO2 in china

The protection of the culture legacy and traditions of ethnic groups in the process of western development

The identification and defense of software copy infringement in Japan

The standard of the identification of trademark infringement in America

On the issue of legal regulation in the process of the maketrizing of media

The lagal proceeding of intellectual property disputes

The study of the difference between the identification of intellectual property infringement in China and America

The study of the difference between the protection of intellectual property in China and America

On the dilution of the issue of trademark in the case of foreign trade center

On the comparation of copyright law between China and Japan

Collected works of CRIC

Last:Huang Lihua
